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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Magic of word FUCK

Irrespective of language, words have their own beauty and verstality. One such word is FUCK that has been described beautifully by MAHAGURU OSHO. OSHO considers FUCK as one of the most interesting words in english language today. According to him, it is a magical word. Just by its sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. It can be used as a verb, both transitve and intransitive, and as a noun also.It can be used as an objective. There are not many words with verstality of fuck. Besides the sexual meaning there are also the following usage.

IGNORANCE : Fucked If I know.

TROUBLE : I guess I am fucked now.

AGGRESSION : Fuck you.

DISPLEASURE: What the fuck is going on here?

DIFFICULTY : I can't understand this fucking job.

INCOMPETENCE : He is a fuck off.

SUSPICION : What the fuck are you doing?

ENJOYMENT : I had a fucking good time.

REQUEST : Get the fuck out of here.

HOSTILITY : I am going to knock your fucking head.

GREETINGS : How the fuck are you?

INNOVATION : Get a bigger fucking hammer.

ANXIETY : Today is really fucked.

This word is very healthy too if every morning you do it as a transcedental meditation. Just when you get up in the morning, repeat the mantra "fuck you" five times, it clears your throat


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