Share your city with the World

Chandausi,the coolest town of western U.P. Rich in Social and Cultural Values. Full of Joys and Hollyness. It is also known as "MINI BRANDAVAN" So...what you are waiting for!..If you know something about that you can share it with the world. It could be in Hindi or English. You can leave your note as comment, we shall publish it. Those who are not comfortable with typing in Hindi or English they can use this link (Hindi) . You can type there and then paste it to the comment box. Thankx ChandausiWala

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I can't make you rich! But I can help you to make money for paying your mobile phone bill at least! If you work better, you will get more. Please don't send me any money for the secret I'm going to tell you. I am going to tell you about get paid for receiving SMS. It's as simple as you join a social network like Orkut or Facebook. I'am talking about.......mGINGER   

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

नव वर्ष!

यूं आना
स्वर्णिम किरणों के रथ पे सवार
नव वर्ष! तुम
धरा के आँगन में
कुछ इस तरह से आना
संग अपने लाना
सौंधी माटी की महक
उन्मुक्त पाखी की चहक
संदली बयार
प्यार की फुहार
सावन के गीत सा
मितवा के मीत सा
नेह अमृत बरसाना तुम
कुमकुम सने पगों से आना
धरा को धनी चुनरिया ओड़ाना
खुशियों के फूल अंगना मह्के
नव वर्ष में सब के मन चहकें   Click Here to Read More▼

रचना रजनी : छाबरा
सभार : मीडिया क्लब

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